Workshops & Classes
Rosen Method
Patricia Angelina
Course Description
Rosen Method in Holistic Studies
The Rosen Method is comprised of two integrated components: bodywork and movement. This integrated bodywork/movement modality is a way of accessing the unconscious through touch, movement and verbal interaction.
Participants will learn how to exchange non-intrusive, hands-on bodywork and learn flexibility exercises that invite the relaxation of tension and the dismantling of body armoring. Participants will also gain an understanding of posture and breathing patterns that can bring insights into observations and communications.
NOTE: Please come prepared to give and receive gentle, hands-on, non-intrusive bodywork. Participants are asked to wear loose-fitting clothing and to bring two clean sheets and two pillows.
Presentation & Demonstration Classes
Free Admission
Come and participate in a presentation & demonstration to introduce you to this transformative method of bodywork -
Rosen Method®.
If you've ever wondered what the Rosen Method® is all about - this is your chance to find out. 
Learning to listen to what the body has to say, since the body never lies, opens up greater possibilities for better health and well-being. Rosen Method benefits people who seek deeper connection with themselves and others. Such connection brings forth fuller functioning in all aspects of life. Come and participate in hands-on exercises, learn about the history and theory of Rosen Method Bodywork, and watch a demonstration.
Dates, Times and Locations:
-- To Be Announced --
Please call or email to RSVP:
Patricia Angelina 408-624-6167
Please check back frequently for information on upcoming classes.
Our Services
Please visit the Services page for a full
listing of our bodywork Offerings
Payment Options
Cash, personal checks and credit cards are also accepted at the time of your appointment.
Gift Certificate
You can order online. Gift certificates are available in any denomination.
New Client Forms
Download & fill out forms to save time at your appointment.