Tag Archives: bodywork practitioner

Introduction to ROSEN METHOD

Patricia Angelina, CMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Movement Teacher

Patricia Angelina, CMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Movement Teacher

Hello, I’m Patricia Angelina and I welcome you to my blog!  Honestly, I never imagined I’d be blogging.  That’s just not me – I’m not a writer.  However, I am willing to give it a try because I want to shout from the roof-tops about the work I do:  ROSEN METHOD BODYWORK and MOVEMENT .

 I’m a Rosen Method bodywork practitioner and movement teacher.  I LOVE this method; it has transformed my life.  I’ve been in the bodywork field for nearly 25 years and a practitioner of Rosen Method for 10 years.

This is a holistic process of bodywork and movement addressing the body, mind, spirit and emotions.  In Rosen bodywork we use a particular method of touch that bypasses the thinking mind and touches deeply into the person, inviting you into a relaxed state being aware of your body sensations, emotions and feelings.  You begin to learn to listen deeply to your body from the inside out.  Habitual muscle tension and feelings that have not been expressed and have been held inside may be released allowing you to experience a greater sense of freedom and a renewed sense of well-being.

Rosen Method can help you find your joy

Rosen Method can help you find your joy

I’ve discovered that there aren’t many people who know about this method. I am passionate about it and I’m dedicated to finding a way to inform, educate, inspire and motivate you to learn about Rosen Method and maybe even find a practitioner, Rosen workshop, and a Rosen movement class too.

I believe one of the reasons that Rosen Method isn’t known about more widely is because many of us, Rosen practitioners, are struggling with finding ways to talk about it.  So, I have a hope that by blogging I will reach a wider audience and help spread the word far and wide!  I’m off and away now as I make my way into this foreign territory of blogging.  I’m so glad you joined me!

For more information please visit: www.HealingHeartsBodywork.com

By Patricia Angelina